I had an upper body day at school and I finished the rest off at home. I forgot to do my traps and I didn’t really feel like my chest was hit good enough.

Floor Press: 5×5 135
Side and Front Shoulder Raise: 2×10 10
Lawnmowers: 4×6 50
Dumbbell Curl and Shoulder Press: 4×10 25
Weighted Dips: 1×10 30 1×8 35 1×6 50
Tricep Extension(Machine) 4×10 45
Pull-ups 1×8
Chin-ups 1×8

I did my first leg day after starting my blog and I think I did alright. This leg day was done at school in my gym class. My legs were a little tired, so I felt like I should have done more exercises (but we ran out of time). Next time I will do a lot more weight on my calf raises and try to do more cart pushes. Is it weird that my dead lifts are really close to my squats?

Squats: 6×3 185 pounds
Straight-Leg Deadlifts: 4×6 155 pounds
Cart Pushes: 1×40 feet 315 pounds
Barbell Calf Raises: 3×20 70 pounds


I made this dip belt for free with materials I found at home. The string is just tied together at the ends and folded a few times. I taped the strings together so they would be easier to control. At the end there is a cambiner that holds both sides of the string together. This is just for informational purposes.

DIY Concrete Weights

This guy has the best idea ever! I think I’m going to try this after I get an Olympic barbell. First, I have to find one on craigslist.Then, I will make these for a cheap 5 cents per pound. << Amazing.


Link  —  Posted: September 30, 2012 in Updates
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First Back, Biceps, and Traps Day!

Posted: September 30, 2012 in Workout

Let’s hope for some improvements from today. I had a great pump in my biceps, but none in my back or traps… can anybody tell me if I could change my routine to make it better?

Bent-over Row: 3×8 110 pounds
Pull-ups: 2×8 10 pounds
Chin-ups: 2×8 10 pounds
Cable Pullovers: 4×8 37 pounds
Preacher Curl: 4×8 55 pounds
Barbell Shrugs: 3×8 140 pounds

I was slacking for a little bit, but now I will post the days that I did. Hopefully, we can track my progress from here. I had a great pump in my triceps and chest, but not so much in my shoulders.

Chest, Shoulder, Tricep Day
Dumbbell Bench Press: 3×8 50 pounds
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: 3×8 40
Incline Dumbbell Fly: 3×8 30 pounds
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3×8 30 pounds
Weighted Dip: 3×8 25 pounds
Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3×8 10 pounds
Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise: 3×8 10 pounds
Tricep Pushdowns: 4×8 41 pounds

Tomorrow, I will be having my first workout since starting my blog. You can see my progress by following my blog. I will post the weights I lifted after every workout session and soon I will post some pictures.